Well by Sunday the 7th... this is what my forehead looked like:

I thought I had an ear infection as right in front of my ear was in so much pain (the lymph nodes), it hurt to touch the bone from my eyebrow to my ear. And I had such a horrible headache. My mother in law took me to the doctor to be diganosed with a skin infection called cellulites. Possibly caused by a spider bite.
Not two days later the swelling in my face had overtaken my face and this is what I looked like then:

We went to the hospital. It was bad. I received antibiotics through an IV and was told that it would get worse before it got better- but I was not prepared for what would happen.
Over the next two weeks, the infection spread. It landed me in the hospital three days and has now kept me from working, living, feeling well for almost a month now.
This last Saturday, I was given yet another antibiotic as the infection has not gone away (although I no longer look like a Klingon) and I went into anaphylactic shock. My mother in law rushed me to the ER where I received treatment- but it was by far the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I was also told that the infection might have spread to one of my organs (spleen, kidneys or liver). They took me off the antibiotics and put me on steroids and was told that I needed to be seen by the infectious disease clinic. Awesome. That appointment is on Friday morning.
In the meantime, we have been at my amazing in-laws house. Our car started leaking anti-freeze this week. We took it in this morning to find out that the water gasket is leaking and needs to be replaced. Another awesome thing. It will cost around $600.00 and we are so thankful to have family that is able to help us. Thanks Daddy- it means a lot to have your help!!!
I can honestly say that I have never been more ready to go back to work. Hopefully the doctor's release me on Friday to return to work Monday.
But more importantly than all of that, my testimony has grown so much.
We have had to rely on God during this trail.
I am not working.
Tom is getting as many hours as possible, but it still isn't enough.
We have so many people praying for me, that it is as though I can feel each one.
I have never been happier than I am right now.
I feel like everything is ok- even when I know I have never been more sick than I am right now.
Tom and I feel so blessed to have God's mercy being granted to us everyday.
I wanted to share this story with you all. It has changed my life. This sickness has made me depend on my Heavenly Father more than ever before.
With 5 trips to the ER and a hospital stay- along with a CT scan, we knew that the medical bills were going to be more than we could handle. It was by far the biggest stress on both Tom and I. The last visit on Saturday was extremely emotional.
When I got admitted into the hospital Tom and I filed an application with our medical provider to get some financial assistance. We were told it would take a month to be processed and we would be notified by mail. Ok.
So- back to Saturday night after my allergic reaction to the medication..... after I was released we had to go pick up my medication (2 epi-pens (just in case something happened again) and steroids). Now Tom and I literally had just enough to pay tithing, get milk and toilet paper and gas for the rest of the week. When I saw how much it was going to be for the medication (even with insurance, it was expensive) Tom and I would have nothing left. By the grace of God and some help, we have been able to pay our bills and rent for the month, but that was it, we had nothing else to give. I almost started to freak out. I looked at Tom and was almost in tears when the pharmacist said, "It looks like you filed some paperwork." We had been approved for the financial assistance. All of the hospital visits, the medication, the hospital stay, EVERYTHING, was going to be covered. When we got home, there was the letter letting us know we would be covered until January. We immediately prayed and thanked the Lord for once again delivering us.
While this has been the most trying thing I have ever had to deal with, it has also brought Tom and I so much closer. We have also become closer to our Heavenly Father. I am so very grateful for all of the prayers and blessings we have received. I am so very thankful for Tom's amazing family. They have been incredibly generous and selfless. Tom's mom has gone above and beyond the call of mother in law. She has held my hand as they tried to lance my forehead. She has read to me and held me close. I can never repay her for what she has given to me. For what she has done for Tom and I. I also cannot ever thank my father and step-mother enough for all they have done. The calls and the texts as well as helping us with our car has meant so much to both of us. It has really helped make this whole ordeal better. My family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother and sisters, friends and members of the church have done more for us then we could ever ask for. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
So I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the prayers. For the phone calls. The emails. The texts. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. It is more than we could ever ask for. We are eternally grateful.
I see the infectious disease doctor at 8:45 am on Friday. I will update this as soon as I know what is going on. <3
Sounds like a miserable ordeal you are going through! I hope they find out what is going on soon so you can get your life back. I am glad you have a great husband and wonderful family around to help and support you!
i may have the same thing :( what kind of medication were you on for it? mines gotten worse in two days. any advice?
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